Tenía miedo de que se bajara por ser sin tirantes, pero no fue así, se ajusta perfectamente al cuerpo y no se mueve.
Love It, but it creases in the back leaving it noticeable under clothes. This is my third one in this style and it feels like the material is much better but the compression on the back side isn't as great as on the front. But I do have a big butt with a smaller waist so maybe it's just the shape of my body but I never had this issue with the first two I purchased. If there was an exchange or refund policy I would definitely be returning the one I just purchased.
Tengo 3 fajas, la faja sirena, la faja 617 y Erika. La crema depilatoria, el desodorante y el jabón quita manchas son productos que siempre recomiendo y le digo a mis amistades dónde comprarlos
Excelente me llegó a tiempo y me mandaron regalito extra súper bien 👍👍😇